The Shoes Blog

Bundler integration

2012-03-16 04:52

Shoes is an older Ruby project, and it pre-dates a lot of modern Ruby tools. To use gems with Shoes, you use a Shoes.setup block:

Shoes.setup do
  gem "twitter"

This reminded me of a Gemfile, so why not add Bundler support? So I did! Create a Gemfile:

source ""

gem "twitter"

And in your application use this setup block:

Shoes.setup do

That's it! You're ready to go. You can specify bundler version with:

bundler :version => '~> 1.1.1'

Or the Gemfile name:

bundler :file => "Gemfile#{ENV['APP_MODE']}"

This feature is available as of commit 911445.

It does not include a GUI - but with the new bundler 1.1 it's fast enough.