The Shoes Manual


Shoes is all about drawing windows and the stuff inside those windows. Let's focus on the window itself, for now. The other sections Slots and Elements cover everything that goes inside the window.

For here on, the manual reads more like a dictionary. Each page is mostly a list of methods you can use for each topic covered. The idea is to be very thorough and clear about everything.

So, if you've hit this far in the manual and you're still hazy about getting started, you should probably either go back to the beginning of the manual. Or you could try Nobody Knows Shoes, the beginner's leaflet PDF.

Finding Your Way

This section covers:

If you find yourself paging around a lot and not finding something, give the Search page a try. It's the quickest way to get around.

After this general reference, there are two other more specific sections:

Two really important pages in there are the Element Creation page (which lists all the elements you can add) and the Common Methods page (which lists methods you'll find on any slot or element.)

Next: Built-in Methods